Course curriculum

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    Module 0 - Kickoff

    • Notion MasterClass - Teaser Video

    • Kickoff Survey

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    Module 1 : Welcome

    • Lesson 1.1 : Welcome Note ★

    • Exercise 1.1 - Please Complete Survey ★

    • Lesson 1.2 : Curriculum ★

    • Resources 1.1 : Notion Plans ★

    • Exercise 1.2 : Setting up your Notion Account ★

    • Lesson 1.3 : Learning Notion Faster ★

    • QUIZ : Module 1

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    Module 2 : Basic Functions

    • Lesson 2.1 : Notion Layout, Menu's and Options ★

    • Resources 2.1 : Getting Started with Notion ★

    • Resources 2.2 : Navigation ★

    • Lesson 2.2 : Notion Blocks, Customisation and Searching for Information ★

    • Resources 2.3 Quick Search ★

    • Exercise 2.1 : Work with Blocks ★

    • Exercise 2.2 : Create a Weekly Planner ★

    • Lesson 2.3 : Notion Templates + Handwriting ★

    • Resources 2.3: Block Tricks ★

    • Resources 2.4 Importing Data from Other Apps ★

    • Exercise 2.3 : Create a Template ★

    • Exercise 2.4 : Formatting ★★

    • QUIZ : Module 2

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    Module 3 : Notion Design

    • Lesson 3.1 : What Is a Good Notion Design ? ★★

    • Resources 3.1 How to craft a smart Notion Workspace ★★

    • Resources 3.2 : Recommended Reading ★★

    • Lesson 3.2 : Creating a Great Workflow ★★

    • Exercise 3.1 : Create Your Personal Workflow ★★

    • Lesson 3.3 : Principles of a good Notion Design ★★

    • Lesson 3.4 : Mobile Form Factor ★★

    • Exercise 3.2 - What do you want to implement on your mobile ? ★★

    • Lesson 3.5 : PARA vs GTD vs PPV - Which one is for you ★★★

    • Exercise 3.3 - GTD , P.A.R.A and PPV ★★★

    • Resources 3.3 : Recommended Reading ★★

    • QUIZ : Module 3

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    Module 4: Databases

    • Lesson 4.1 : Introduction to Databases and Table View ★

    • Resource 4.1 : Backlinks ★★

    • Exercise 4.1 : Database Table Practice Lesson ★

    • Lesson 4.2 : The Board | Kanban View ★

    • Exercise 4.2 - Kanban ★

    • Lesson 4.3 : The Calendar, The Gallery View and The List View ★

    • Exercise 4.3 - Shopping List ★

    • Lesson 4.4 : The Timeline View ★

    • Resources 4.2 - How I use the Timeline View ★★

    • Exercise 4.4 : The Timeline View ★

    • Lesson 4.5 : Single Vs Multiple Databases ★

    • Lesson 4.6 : Linked Databases ★★

    • Exercise 4.5 - Linked Databases ★★

    • Lesson 4.7 : Database Filters & Sort ★

    • Exercise 4.6 - Databases ★★

    • QUIZ : Module 4

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    Module 5: Formulae

    • Lesson 5.1 : Introduction to Formulae and Formula Groups ★★

    • Resources 5.1 : Formulae Cheat Sheet ★★

    • Exercise 5.1 ★★

    • Lesson 5.2 : Combining Formulae for Results ★★

    • Resources 5.2 Dive Deeper into Formulae ★★

    • Exercise 5.2 - Recreate a Birthday Tracker inside of Notion ★★

    • Lesson 5.3 : A Foolproof Approach to writing Notion Formulae ★★★

    • Resources 5.3 Math Formulae with uses in Non-Math situations ★★★

    • QUIZ : Module 5

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    Module 6 : Relations and Rollups

    • Lesson 6.1 : Introduction to Database Relations and Rollups ★★

    • Exercise 6.1 - Create your own Task and Sub Tasks Database using Relations and Roll Ups ★★

    • Lesson 6.2 : Using Relations and Roll Ups for Task and Sub Task Management ★★

    • Exercise 6.2 : Sales MIS using Relations and Roll Ups ★★

    • Lesson 6.3 : Roll Ups and Relations in the same database ★★★

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    Module 7 : Advanced Databases

    • Lesson 7.1 : Checklists - A Use Case ★★★

    • Resources 7.1 - Data Backup, Transfer of Data and Archival ★★

    • Lesson 7.2 : Nested Databases ★★

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    Module 8 : Workspaces

    • Lesson : 8.1 - Principles for designing Workspaces ★★★

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    Module 9 : Tips and Tricks

    • Lesson 9.1 : Shortcuts in Notion ★

    • Resources 9.1 : Secrets in Notion ★★

    • Lesson 9.2 : Ten Shortcuts for Notion Dates ★

    • Lesson 9.3 : Using Hardware with Notion ★★

    • Lesson 9.4 : Duplicating Database Views and Filters - a shortcut ★★

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    Bonus Lessons

    • Bonus 1 : Notion Design for different screens and blocks ★★

    • Bonus 2 : Notion Projects - Visual Progress Bars ★★

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    Video Call Recordings

    • Zoom Call 1 : Dec 19 , 2020

    • Zoom Call 2 : Mar 6 , 2021

    • Zoom Call 3 : Jun 5, 2021 ( API Integration Discussion )